The title of the article featuring Mr.Bjorn Wiinblad in Scanorama, the
magazine of Scandinavian Airlines was strongly impressive. "In wakeful
time, Bjorn Wiinblad is over 100 years old. He thrives on the challenge
provided by shifting from one medium to another." It is a praise on
the versatile and highly successful Danish artist.
Mr.Bjorn Wiinblad hums around the word; tapestries exhibition in Sydny,
ceramics and porcelains exhibition in London, and musical posters exhibition
in New York. Mr.Guy Badse, his manager seems to be very troubled about
adjusting his schedule.
One day in Feburary, it was freezing cold, and I got dead drunk with Mr.Bjorn
Wiinblad and Mr.Guy Badse, his good partner in a melancholy atmosphere
of flames trembling over the candlesticks in Restrant Wiinblad, then we
agreed to drink again in Mr.Bjorn Wiinblad's house. I seemed to be the
first Japanese who visited his house, which loocked as if it had been Bjorn
Wiinblad's museum itself, in Pistolstraede street in the surburb of Copenhagen.
I was only surprised at and quite excited by his ceramics, tablecloths,
greeting cards, original posters, and any other creations displayed casually.
Mr.Bjorn Wiinblad's sharp eyes staying right on you, and his eyes of embrace
when he touches his own works. I can say it would be my most precious experience
to meet this gifted artist.
The world of fantasia expressed by Mr.Bjorn Wiinblad seemed to look for
dreams and tranquility of mind.
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