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KUTANI JAPAN 350 years have passed since Saijiro Goto first fired Kutani-yaki pottery in the Kutani village of Kaga (current Ishikawa prefecture)in the early Edo period(17th century) Kutani-yaki is a traditional craft characterizzed by vivid designs and the use of five distinctive colors,and has been enjoyed by people throughont the world. We hope you will tresure your purchase. KUTANI EXPORT COMMITTEE KUTANI OVERSEAS EXPORT NOW |
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Ko-Kutani of early stage Progressed under the support of the Daishoji clan in 1655. After the discovery of potter’s clay at a mine near Kutani village, Saijiro Goto was sent to Arita in
A lot of kilns were built such as Mokubei kiln the Yoshida-ya kiln, the Miyamoto kiln, and Eiraku kiln, developing each special style.
In the Meiji period, Shoza Kutani developed his own style. Which became popular for it’s painting of “Saishiki-kinrande” with all styles putting together and the works of his apprentices were exported to get a high position as Industrial Arts of Kutani.
The origin of the five spectacular Kutani colors
At the upper reaches of the
A stone monument bearing the inscription “Ko-Kutani kiln ruins” stands quietly in a clearing.
It marks the spot where the Daishoji Clan (a branch of the Kaga Clan) established a kiln in about 1655, to make use of the local porcelain stone.
The porcelain ware that was created there was later called “Ko-Kutani,”and became the foundation for Japanese colored porcelain ware.
Rich overglaze colors applied with fluid brushwork - green, yellow, red, purple and blue – give Kutani porcelain its characteristic beauty.
However, only half a century later the kiln was abandoned for reasons that nobody knows.
About 100 years later, Kutani porcelain was revived under the patronage of the Kaga clan.
The Kasugayama and Wakasugi kilns were established, and kilns such as the Yoshidaya kiln rode on the momentum of “revived Kutani”, all producing overglaze porcelain ware. Various styles competed and combined to develop into the overglaze techniques that have been handed down to this day.
In modern times, the gorgeous Kinrande style has become well known in the West as “Japan Kutani.”
Kutani porcelain, which combines the artistry of Ko-Kutani ware and the utilitarian beauty that developed from “revived Kutani”, continues to evolve.
A traditional craft promoted by the wealthy Kaga clan
In the
What made that luxury possible were the local geographical features-Mt.Hakusan, the Kaga Plain and the
In Ishikawa, a prefecture with a tradition of outstanding craftsmanship, Japanese-style beauty is still alive and well.
Boldness and precision: the charm of traditional overglaze decoration
As the Kaga rule progressed, mode and more porcelain producers prospered. Incorporation of the bold samurai culture of the Azuchi Momoyama period and the sophisticated culture of
The traditional six styles, which have remained distinct over all these years, are the pride of the Kutani porcelain industry.
古九谷風 こくたに 明暦元年(1655)~
Ko-Kutani style 1655~
Works of this style were fired in
木米風 もくべい 文化4年(1807)~
Mokubei style 1807~
This style established under the leadership of Aoki Mokubei, who was summoned from
吉田屋風 よしだや 文政7年(1824)~
Yoshidaya style 1824~
Yoshidaya Denemon wanted to revive Ko-Kutani, and copied the Aode Ko-Kutani style. Various patterns and designs in green, yellow, purple and blue are used to cover the entire surface.
飯田屋風 いいだや 天保2年(1831)~
Iidaya style 1831~
This style was used at the Miyamotoya kiln. It features detailed figures in red on a background filled in with patterns, with added gold.
庄三風 天保12年(1841)~
Shoza style 1841~
This style, established by Kutani Shoza, is a combination of Ko-Kutani, Yoshidaya, Iidaya and Kinrande. Starting in the Meiji period, it became known as “Japan Kutani.”
Eiraku style 1865~
Works of this style, introduced by Eiraku Wazen, were made at a kiln established by the Daishoji clan. The whole surface is covered with red, and the design is in gold.
Kutani clay is kneaded, formed, and decorated with a lot of feeling. The production prosesses naturally incorporate the spirit of the craftsmen, whose skill and sense of beauty still support the Kutani industry of today.
九谷焼の完成まで Production stages
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Ever since the Meiji period, creative master craftsmen have sought to develop new, unique style of brushwork. Modern brushwork, which includes skillful graphic depiction, sophisticated glazing techniques, and three-dimensional expression, has paved the way for new possibilities in the world of Kutani porcelain.
This is the technique of writing classical poetry on ceramic ware with tiny, delicate brushstrokes.
A pattern of tiny blue dots is created on the clay surface to create an elegant look.
The whole surface is covered with overglaze decoration that features exquisite colors and nuances of shading.
花詰 はなづめ
The whole surface is covered with gorgeous overglaze flowers in gold, silver and the five Kutani colors.
釉裏金彩 ゆうりきんさい
Yuri Kinsai
Clear glaze is applied over gold powder or gold leaf to create a gorgeous finish.
盛 もり
Special glazes are used to create bold raised patterns on traditional ornaments such as lions and beckoning cats.
Aesthetically pleasing dishes to eat from
A leisurely cup of tea out of a cup that feels just right in your hand...
A sake cup that takes on a warmer feel the more you use it...
Good ceramic ware lifts the spirit.
That’s the kind of luxury that Kutani porcelain gives you.
九谷焼年表 Kutani porcelain chronology
1655年明暦元年 | 大聖寺藩初代藩主前田利治公の命により九谷村で開窯(古九谷窯跡より「明暦元年六月廿六日田村権左右衛門」と書かれた花瓶の一部が旧九谷村の神社より発見)A kiln was built Kutani Village on the order of the first lord of the Daishoji clan, Maeda Toshiharu. (Part of a vase bearing the inscription “June 26, 1655 Tamura Gonzaemon,” indicating that it was fired in the Ko-Kutani kiln, was discovered in the shrine of the former |
1656年明暦2年 | 古九谷窯で色絵磁器が焼かれる(「明暦弐歳九谷八月」と書かれた色見陶片が出土) Overglaze porcelain ware fired in the Ko-Kutani kiln.(A shard bearing the inscription “August 1656, Kutani” was excavated at the site.) |
1807年文化4年 | 青木木米の指導のもと、金沢卯辰山に「春日山窯」を開窯。Kasugayama kiln established in Utatsuyama, |
1811年文化8年 | 本多貞吉、花坂村(現小松市)に陶石を発見し「若杉窯」を始める。 Honda Sadakichi discovered porcelain stone in |
1819年文政2年 | 藪六右衛門、「小野窯」を始める Yabu Rokuemon established Ono kiln. |
1824年文政7年 | 吉田屋伝右衛門、旧九谷村に「吉田屋窯」を築窯し、1年余りで窯を山中の越中谷に移す。Yoshidaya Denemon built the Yoshidaya kiln in the former |
1831年天保2年 | 吉田屋窯支配人宮本宇右衛門が吉田屋窯を引継ぎ、飯田屋八郎右衛門を招き「宮本窯」を開く。Miyamotoya Uemon took over the Yoshidaya kiln, invited Iidaya Hachiroemon and established the Miyamoto kiln. |
1841年天保12年 | 九谷庄三、旧寺井村(現能美市)に「寺井窯」を開窯。Kutani Shoza established Terai kiln in former |
1848年嘉永元年 | 大聖寺藩、藩営で「松山窯」を開く。Daishoji clan established Matuyama kiln. |
1860年万延元年 | 大聖寺藩、宮本窯を買い入れ「九谷本窯」とする。Miyamoto kiln purchased by Daishoji clan and turned into main Kutani kiln. |
1865年慶應元年 | 大聖寺藩、九谷本窯に京都より永楽和全を招く(「永楽窯」)Eiraku Wazen invited from |
1873年明治6年 | ウィーン万博に出品。Works exhibited at Vienna Expo. |
1876年明治9年 | フィラデルフィア万博に出品。Works exhibited at Philadelphia Expo. |
1878年明治11年 | パリ万博に出品。Works exhibited at Paris Expo. |
1908年明治41年 | 九谷茶碗まつり始まる。First Kutani Chawan Festival |
1975年昭和50年 | 九谷焼が通商産業省(現経済産業省)より伝統的工芸品に認定される。 Kutani porcelain recognized as a traditional craft by Ministry of International Trade and Industry(Present-day Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry ). |
1997年平成9年 | 「国際色絵陶磁器フェア‘97九谷」を開催。 Held “International Overglaze Ceramics Fair ’97 Kutani" |
2004年平成16年 | 九谷焼無鉛上絵具の完成。Development of lead-free overglaze for Kutani porcelain |
2004年平成16年 | 第1回景徳鎮国際陶磁博覧会に出品。Works shown at 1st Jingdezhen International Ceramics Exhibition. |
2005年平成17年 | パリメゾン&オブジェに出品。Works shown at Maison & Objet exhibition in |
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